Ummm, what the hell happened?? I'd been keeping an eye on the market today, seeing it was down a bit as expected. Then I take a break and all hell breaks loose in the last hour of trading... Insane!
Today's numbers:
Oct. 9, 2008 - 8579.195, down 5618.91 from the high mark on Oct. 11, 2007, for a 39.58% loss since then.
That's also a 1015.74 pt loss since MONDAY, when I last posted numbers, for a 10.59% loss in the last 3 days...
I found an interesting NYTimes blog taking a historical look at the numbers - I guess I'm not the only historically-minded number junky out there. We should take pride! Americans always want to be the best, and now we're closing in on taking the biggest drop in the history of the market. Take THAT, 1932!!
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